Everyone has blind spots...

Let's fix yours

Go to Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Our Executive coaching, team coaching and individual coaching engagements are specifically designed to increase self-awareness, to challenge the current state, and to support the learning of new skills and behaviors.

Go to Teaching & Training

Teaching & Training

Our on-site and remote classroom training is experiential and designed to maximize skill acquisition and knowledge assimilation.

Go to Individual & Team Assessments

Individual & Team Assessments

We offer a wide variety of research supported assessment instruments including the full suite of The Center for Creative Leadership benchmarks including 360’s, the Workplace Big Five as well as the True Tilt and Tilt 365.

Go to Group Facilitation

Group Facilitation

Our expertise is with Leadership retreats, strategic planning, mission and vision sessions, team creation, and retrospectives or lessons learned sessions.

Better Humans Make Better Leaders

Passionate about helping you to "act more human"

Identifying and fixing a blind spot is hard to do, especially by yourself. I know, I’ve tried. For most people, blind spots fall under the “hidden from me” soft skills umbrella and often called “career derailers”. Without a honest and caring 3rd party perspective, you may never see yours until it’s too late. I know, I’ve done that too. What I love about my work is I get to have conversations with people they can't have with anyone else. Not a mentor. Not a spouse. Not a manager. During coaching, we'll create a confidential and safe space for you to think, explore, theory test, and identify those behaviors you want to do less of and those you want to do more of. You’ll know you’re making progress when the people around you say “Somethings different. I like it!” Sign up now so we can get started.

About Art

I’m the kind, truth-telling leadership coach. I work with wicked smart and passionate people like you who are interested in "fixing" their blind spots. In addition to having worked in various leadership positions these last 27 years, I also have a Masters in Counseling and am a Master Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). My mission and passion has always been to serve others by helping people to "think, feel, and act more human". Whatever your industry, non-profit or for-profit, sign up now so we can start working on your blind spots today.

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